Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Way It Hurts

Ever notice when you are sensitive how stupid little things hurt like a burn?

Monday, May 27, 2013

Glenn and I

So Glenn and I had a great time on Sunday. We went to the Pagoda, ate burgers and drank root beer floats, and watched three movies. I love being with him. We need to get some pictures together soon. He really makes me happy.


Saturday, May 25, 2013

A Confession About The Mortuary

The Mortuary is only a slightly fictionalized version of my cousin's death at almost 18. I was 13. It was devastating.

The Mortuary (fiction) part 4

When it was over, she waited her turn to go to the coffin. His face was shellacked with foundation. It didn't cover the jaw bruising. She could see his eyes glued shut and his lips....were they sewed shut? It was worse than any horror movie.
This was her first funeral. She wasn't sure what was normal. Despite the changes in him, her cousin didn't look dead. Sit up, please!
She touched his face and barely held back the scream. He was like ice cold stone covered by a layer of felt. Life had left him, no doubt.
It would never be alright. Her uncle threw his arm around her as they left, his eyes drying. Everyone suffered alone even if they suffered for the same reason.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Pizza and the Doctor

This past weekend I immersed myself in the exciting world of "Doctor Who." I came to the show at the beginning of the sixth series of the relaunch and never turned back, roughly two years ago for civilians. So I was excited to experiance the series (that's season for my fellow Americans) finale at a pizza party. Nerds gathered from across Southern California into a banquet room at a Round Table to play games (I won a toy in the process), eat up, and soak in the last precious "Who" until the 50th anniversary special in November.

I may have only become a whovian roughly two years ago but I have poured into the world. I have watched the new series and have jumped into the classics, not to mention I've gone to fan improve shows and regularly read the comic book series, and so when I say this know it means a great deal. This was the best episode I have seen thus far. This whole season there have been little nods to the past but this episode opened the floodgates.

We actually saw past Doctors interacting with the current companion. We went back to the Doctor's homeworld and went along as he and Susan stole the T.A.R.D.I.S. It was full fan service and I loved it. I don't know what this ending will mean to both the series and how I number people but I know the episode was a love letter to the fans and for that I am happy and every person at the pizza party was too.

~Ashley Brouillette